Stanley Williams

HP Labs and Hynix Semiconductor move towards Memristor Production Schedule

The HP Labs and Hynix partnership is currently producing “hundreds of wafers through a Hynix full-size fab.”, Stan Williams was quoted at the International Electronics Forum 2011 yesterday. No word on how many of HP’s memristive, phase change PCM, and resistive RAM patents are still in process, especially with other competitors such as Samsung and […]

HP digs deeper into the electrochemical and thermal operations of titanium oxide memristors

A couple new papers published from HP Labs and associated university partnerships titled “Switching location of a Bipolar Memristor, Chemical, Thermal and Structural Mapping” and “Molecular dynamics simulations of Oxide Memory Resistors” in next months IOP Science’s Nanotechnology journal detail how HP has continued to focus in on Titanium Oxide based strata. Of particular interest […]

Molecular dynamics simulations of Oxide Memory Resistors

in Papers of Interest: Format: Journal Abstract Title: “Molecular dynamics simulations of oxide memory resistors (memristors)” Authors: S.E. Savel’ev [Department of Physics, Loughborough University UK], A.S. Alexandrov [Department of Physics, Loughborough University UK and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories], A M Bratkovsky and R Stanley Williams [Hewlett-Packard Laboratories] Source: IOP Science, Nanotechnology, Volume 22 Number 25 Publication Date: […]

Switching location of a Bipolar Memristor. Chemical, Thermal and Structural Mapping

in Papers of Interest: Format: Journal Abstract, Full Paper [free account req] Title: “The switching location of a bipolar memristor: chemical, thermal and structural mapping” Authors: R Stanley Williams, John Paul Strachan, Julien Borghetti, J Joshua Yang, Gilberto Medeiros-Ribeiro [ Nanoelectronic Research Group, Hewlett-Packard Labs ], Dmitri B Strukov [ Department of Electrical and Computer […]