A couple new papers published from HP Labs and associated university partnerships titled “Switching location of a Bipolar Memristor, Chemical, Thermal and Structural Mapping” and “Molecular dynamics simulations of Oxide Memory Resistors” in next months IOP Science’s Nanotechnology journal detail how HP has continued to focus in on Titanium Oxide based strata. Of particular interest […]
As spice modeling for memristive circuits matures and begins to show the possible scope of theoretical applications, and Apple pushes towards SSD adoption, and Sandisk flash memory conquers investor outlooks, and memcapacitance mutators are successfully modeled, and flexible graphene oxides move towards experimental reram fabrication, and spin computing gets its own graphene boost, it may […]
Sensors and actuators from CMOS to MEMS continue to get the industrial attention they deserve, as the week ends on a round of buyups, production rampups, and forecastups. Now they just need to work on the network bandwith problems… (maybe using some hints from Clifford Nass’s (Stanfords CHIMe Lab) awesome new book “The Man Who […]