This Week, in Memory

As spice modeling for memristive circuits matures and begins to show the possible scope of theoretical applications, and Apple pushes towards SSD adoption, and Sandisk flash memory conquers investor outlooks, and memcapacitance mutators are successfully modeled, and flexible graphene oxides move towards experimental reram fabrication, and spin computing gets its own graphene boost, it may […]

Pure Silicon Oxide ReRam Bit Cells takes on Titanium Performance?

The war of research continues its long slow climb to the future: researchers at Rice University who previously detailed their partnership with PrivaTran Inc. for fabrication of their silicon-based ReRam proof of concept memristors are putting the pressure on HP as different material studies begin to implement memristive behavior: “Our memristors are made out of […]

HP and Hynix Semiconductor: ReRAM Memristor set to market

HP has (finally!) announced a collaboration, with Hynix Semiconductor of Korea, to bring Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) to commercial development: The two companies will jointly develop new materials and process integration technology to transfer the memristor technology from research to commercial development in the form of Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM). Hynix will implement […]

Fujitsu works on Nickel Oxide low power ReRAM

Fujitsu announced at the International Electron Devices Meeting that they have recently added titanium to their nickel oxide ReRam (resistive random access memory), and detailed the low power consumption improvements over standard transistance: Conventionally, ReRAM devices have been formed from nickel oxide (NiO) films. In Fujitsu Labs new ReRAM, a NiO film doped with titanium […]