Internet of Things

European Union Internet of Things: Privacy and Regulation Questionnaire

Hot on the heels of Googles problems with European Regulators over their “Streetcars named Undesirable”, the European Commission has launched an on-line public questionnaire for the Internet of Things (IoT) Governance called “Your Voice in Europe”. The questionnaire is available [HERE] until July 10th, 2012. The EU is getting into regulatory issues, partly centered around […]

The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings)

The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, (iThings), will be held during the week of September 11-14, 2012 in Besançon, France. Some of the important dates for submissions are: workshop proposals (still open). Paper submissions are due 15 May 15th. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out after June 30th. (Camera ready submissions […]

Broadcom WICED embedded wi-fi single chips moves Networked Devices forward

Networked devices and connectivity for both embedded sensors and other internet-of-things tech got a boost as another player enters the space with another embedded hardware/software single-chip networking device. Broadcom released a press released with an overview earlier today. “Press Release” jargon aside, they look like they’ll be pretty fun to tinker with. Time to make […]

A Word About Big Data, Debt, and Science, via Data.Gov

Where does Big Data go to die? With the increasing politicization of the topics of debt, economic growth, and what really spurs innovation, as you may have heard via the recent U.S. Presidential address on the United States debt, the recent (in geopolitical timeframes) government programs that have built and maintain Data.Gov (visit it!) and […]

Invisible Computers: CENSE, Big Data, Stan Williams, and Ubiquitous Computing

Big Data, Stan Williams CENSE (Central Nervous System for the Earth), Ubicomp, (Ubiquitous Computing), sensors and memristors get another NYT mention by John Markoff this week (titled Computers as Invisible as the Air). Especially pleased to see the mention of the Big Data problem, clearly and rigorously on the horizon. As more and more of […]

Sensor Roundup: Cisco and 6lowPan, BSI cmos markets, MEMs growth

Sensors and actuators from CMOS to MEMS continue to get the industrial attention they deserve, as the week ends on a round of buyups, production rampups, and forecastups. Now they just need to work on the network bandwith problems… (maybe using some hints from Clifford Nass’s (Stanfords CHIMe Lab) awesome new book “The Man Who […]