graphene oxide

Nanoscale Thermoelectric Peltier cooling in Graphene

Thermoelectric peltier cooling effects at graphene and metal junctions have been demonstrated by a group out of the University of Illinois. Kyle Grosse, Feifei Lian, Myung-Ho Bae,William King, and Eric Pop used “… atomic force microscopy to measure the temperature distributions at the contacts of working graphene transistors”: Our data indicate that thermoelectric effects account […]

This Week, in Memory

As spice modeling for memristive circuits matures and begins to show the possible scope of theoretical applications, and Apple pushes towards SSD adoption, and Sandisk flash memory conquers investor outlooks, and memcapacitance mutators are successfully modeled, and flexible graphene oxides move towards experimental reram fabrication, and spin computing gets its own graphene boost, it may […]