Bernoulli Memristor

IEEE Journal Special Issue: Memristors: Devices, Models and Applications

The June 2012, Vol. 100, Issue 6 of the Proceedings of the IEEE will have a special issue devoted to “Memristors: Devices, Models and Applications”. An overview of what will be available, and links to the early access, are below: The Fourth Element – Leon O. Chua   Port-Hamiltonian Formulation of Systems With Memory - D. […]

Ideal Memristance via Formal Modeling of Bernoulli Memristors

A paper submitted on arxiv (via the Department of Chemistry and Department of Bioengineering Imperial College in London) details the results of mathematically modeling an ideal framework class of memristors on Bernoullis differential equations: Such differentials can always be linearized and thus make it easier to obtain analytic/closed form expressions of the form v(t) = […]