The ISCAS2010 (Paris) this year will include at least two memristive tracks: Memristors and Memristive Systems – From Devices to Applications, and Memristor Fabrication/Experimentation. [Conference Website], [Conference Schedule]. This, of course, is always THE conference to go to, and is always adding the trending topics. This year, its nice to see a whole wearables track. […]
The DATE2010 Design, Automation, and Test Europe Conference in Dresden, Germany, this March 8-12, 2010, will have a memristor – specific track: session 6-2 [DATE full information] MONOLITHICALLY STACKABLE HYBRID FPGA (the new FPGA structure based on memristor technology) D Strukov, UC Santa Barbara, US SPINTRONIC MEMRISTOR DEVICES AND APPLICATIONS (some novel memristive devices and […]
February 3-5, 2010, at Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley in conjunction with IEEE CNNA 2010 — the International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications. Co-sponsored by UC Merced, UC Berkeley and HP Labs. Funded by the National Science Foundation. More Info: UC Merced The 2010 symposium will cover: * Memristor technology updates * New […]
Title: Play Machinima Law Location: Stanford Law School, Stanford CA Dates: April 24-25, 2009 Description: Co-Sponsored by the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society and the Preserving Virtual Worlds project of the Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources, Play Machinima Law is a two-day conference that will explore a series of key […]
Title: Memristor and Memristive Systems Symposium Location: UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA Description: This symposium will explore the potential of memristors and memristive systems as they advance state of the art nano-electronic circuits. Funded by the National Science Foundation, partnership with UC Merced and UC Berkeley, assistance from Semiconductor Industry Association. Date: 2008-11-21 Information: Symposium Homepage […]