Phase Change Memory energy promises 20 percent extended mobile battery life

smartphone-sensorsHot on the heels of Samsungs hopeful and rosy announcement of phase change memory chips in the smartphone market comes a further promise of PCM smartphones with PRAM multichips having their battery life extended by up to 20%:

Smartphones could have their battery life extended by up to 20% by changing what type of memory they use. […] These modules are built of a substance that records or erases data when it is heated and typically use far less power than existing equivalents. […] The most widely adopted form of PCM is typically made from an alloy of germanium, antimony and titanium which forms a glass-like material. Heating it by applying a voltage makes the material turn into two separate forms that exhibit very different resistances to electricity. […] At its mobile technology forum held in Taipei, Samsung announced plans to start producing PCM modules 512megabits (Mbit) in size. [full article]

As with most hopes, and possibilities, for bleeding edge power and size pressures on mobile tech, and while the promise of 20% is exciting, the real game-changers only come about at much higher thresholds, and with a better systems-view of the design goal. For example, 20%, with increased performance and similar usability design, plus small solar bleed charges, integrated into mobile would be much closer to a pure play threshold change.

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